mercoledì 15 luglio 2009

"Diverse and decisive"

The sexy new discussion in policy circles around the world, thanks to the recession, is whether a significant shift of power from men to women is underway - or whether it should be.
(...) It's time to admit the obvious. Men and women are different, and our management styles are different. Research by the University of Pittsburgh and Cambridge University, among others, finds that some of those differences are intrinsic, thanks to hormones.
Gender stereotypes aren't politically correct, but the research broadly finds that testosterone can make men more prone to competition and risk-taking. Women, on the other hand, seem to be wired for collaboration, caution and long-term results.
Da un articolo sul Washington Post del 12/07 di Katty Kay (BBC World News America) e Claire Shipman (ABC's "Good Morning America), autrici di "Womenomics", Collins Business 2009

There is a convincing business case for designing organisations that attract and retain women to the top. Diverse leadership teams tend to make better decisions, the majority of graduates and consumers are women. The big challenge is in transforming traditional corporations, designed in a different age by men for men, into modern businesses that motivate, develop and promote women as well as men in equal measure. This is a much bigger task than many people realise and requires leadership commitment to make it work.
(...) This is not about being nice to women. It is about recognising that having a greater proportion of women in decision-making roles improves business performance and profitability.
Da un articolo sul Financial Times del 22/06 di Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, ceo di 20-firste co-autrice di Why Women Mean Business: Understanding the Emergence of Our Next Economic Revolution’ Wiley 2008

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